the Quisling Page – video di collaborazionismo (lingua inglese)

Jens Stoltenberg, Vilnius, July 10, 2023 – 5 min
NATO welcomes Sweden and Finland as summit kicks off

canale youtube Firstpost (India)

Jens Stoltenberg, Brussels, June 16, 2023 – 30 min
NATO Defence Ministers News Conference in Brussels 

canale youtube Firstpost (India)

News conference following a meeting of defence ministers from NATO countries in Brussels as the alliance prepares for a major summit with country leaders in Vilnius in July.

canale youtube Mark Felton Productions (UK)

The largely unknown story of the first Ukrainian refugees in Britain – an entire SS division composed largely of Ukrainians who arrived in 1947, with many later emigrating to Canada – the 14th SS Galizien. Why did the British Government permit them to settle, and why are they today considered national heroes in Ukraine?

e c’è anche un poco di Italia nella storia: Rimini, Venezia…


Pagina iniziata il 17 giugno 2023
Ultimo aggiornamento:


13 Luglio 2023


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